∙ Stress
∙ Learn to Control Stress
∙ Connect with a Mentor
∙ What is Counseling
∙ How a Counselor Can Help
∙ Where to Find Counseling
∙ Eating Disorders
∙ What is an Eating Disorder?

Stress (back to top)

Stress can give you energy, or can cause problems with your physical or mental health. Some ways to try to relieve stress are:

• Don’t get upset about things you can’t change.

• Decide what your values are and stick by them.

• Tackle one problem at a time. Do the most important job first.

• If something bothers you, discuss it. Don’t hide your feelings.

• Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.

• Learn to relax. Save time every day to do something you enjoy.

• Avoid making too many major changes at once.

• Try to stay cool and keep your reactions under control.

Stress can affect your feelings and emotions. If these feelings begin to get in the way of your normal activities, they may be warning signs that you need help.

Talk with your family, teacher, friends or employer. They may be able to suggest ways to relieve some of your pressures. Counseling can also help you solve your problems and make you feel better about yourself.

Learn to Control Stress (back to top)

• Be aware of stressful situations in you life.

• Take steps to reduce the causes of harmful stress.

• Find a stress-reduction technique you enjoy and stick with it.

Connect with a Mentor (back to top)

Rising Star Mentoring Program for boys and girls
Pastor Gerod Duff

Raising Excellence to Another Level
Mentoring for ages 18-25
Shield of Faith Christian Center

What is Counseling (back to top)

Counseling is a time to talk to somebody you like and trust about something that is bothering you. Your family and friends can help sometimes, but other times, it’s hard to talk about personal stuff. That’s when a counselor can help you.

You can talk to your teacher or your doctor. They will help you find somebody who will listen and understand, and not tell you what you have to do.

How a Counselor Can Help (back to top)

Counselors will respect your privacy. You can discuss anything you want: family, friends, drugs, sex, and feelings. If they need for you to tell others about certain things, like if you are planning to hurt yourself, they will still help you.

Where to Find Counseling (back to top)

You are lucky there are a lot of places to get help near by. All the places listed have people who will talk to you and see you with no one else knowing. Some have groups for kids with the same problems you have.

If you call, they will tell you their policies, and when and how to get there. They will also tell you if you will need to pay anything.


Crobsy Mitchell Counseling Services
Crobsy Mitchell Counseling Services' Website

Keystone Counseling Center
Keystone Counseling Center's Website

Options for Family

Personal Growth

Help-Line Georgia
1 (800) 715-4224
Help-Line Georgia's Website

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Suicide Prevention Lifeline's Website

Eating Disorders (back to top)

If you want to change the way you look, you aren’t alone! One way to shape up is to exercise regularly and to choose foods that are low in fat and high in fiber. Some healthy foods are fresh fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grain cereals, and bread.

You may think you need to lose weight. Talk to a nurse, dietitian, or your doctor to see what they advise. They can tell you if you are overweight and suggest a diet to fit your needs. Self-designated diets can easily get out of control and lead to an eating disorder.

What is an Eating Disorder? (back to top)

An eating disorder is an unnatural, unhealthy relationship with food. Some of the most serious eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and compulsive overeating. Seek medical help or counseling if you suspect you have an eating disorder!